Crypto Regulation put on hold by President Joe Biden

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Donald Trump, the former president of the USA, had proposed cryptocurrency regulation in 2020 December. However, Current president Joe Biden has freeze these rules. The new administration claims that it will take time for them to familiarize themselves with those proposed measures.

Steve Minchin, who is the previous US treasury officer, will be in July for 2 months starting from 20th January 2021. If the policies do not raise any eyebrows, the government will not take any further action. They will be put in operation.

Joe Biden, SEC Regulation Review

However, if these rules raise queries of facts, policy, or law, then the office of budget and management will be alerted. Therefore, they will be required to take the necessary measures. Cryptocurrency investors did not take Mnuchins’ digital currency controversial legislation on the wallet.

Once Joe Biden took office, the first thing the government did was to issue memos to every federal agency. US treasury had requested digital currency exchanges to confirm the identity of their clients. The measures were to apply to customers using unhosted or anonymous wallet executing a transaction greater than $3,000.

Customers of these exchanges who desire to shift their funds on self-hosted wallets or private holding would be subjected to providing adequate personal data for transactions surpassing $3000. Additionally, exchanges were asked to report transactions that exceed the value of $10,000.

The Financial Cres Enforcement Network (FinCEN) would then follow up. The policy faced a major backlash from crypto investors and companies. These rules would violate the anonymity nature of cryptos. Joe Biden’s freeze on these policies has brought relief to many advocates.

The President’s halting pending and new rules could benefit various stakeholders. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network claimed that its main objectives were to minimize money laundering activities. The various government in the world are trying their level best to regulate these digital assets.

However, the initial purpose of these coins was to eliminate third party interference. Cryptos are not controlled by any government being decentralized assets. The FinCEN has asked the public’s opinion concerning the Legal Tender Status (LTDA) and Convertible Virtual Currency (CVC).

There were rumors before president Joe Biden took office that he would select Gary Gensler as the new Security Exchange Commission chairman. He has rich knowledge in the financial sector and was an investment banker before becoming the wall Street regulatory.

Nonetheless, some investors speculate that the newly appointed chairman will most likely seek higher fines. He might also be vigilant in putting enforcement for current disclosure measures. Gensler is a Wall Street veteran who has been keeping a close eye on digital assets.

There is speculation that the new government could be lenient to cryptocurrency assets. The administration has not yet said anything regarding these future assets. The new SEC chairman Gary Gensler was endorsed by multiple enthusiasts.

Gary Gensler Review, Gary Gensler New SEC chairman

Gary previously worked as the chairman of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). He has spoken severally about the digital currency before Congress. Additionally, the New SEC chairman taught the one-month two-week course at MIT Sloan.

Gary believes in the future of cryptocurrency based on the information he has been providing. Collin Peterson in 2018 termed cryptocurrency as a Ponzi scheme by asking what stands behind the assets. However, Gary reacted, claiming that nothing backs gold either.

Moreover, the SEC chairman states that Ripple and Facebook Firm should be licensed by the SEC as securities. These are some of the stable coins. The review team for the news administrator is mostly digital currency flag wavers.

The United States is one of the countries that have strict measures for online investment companies. The former administration had severe restrictions. The regulatory review aims to improve and modernize the whole process.

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